Take a Look at our different Belbin Reports

To help us identify which combination of the Team Roles a person exhibits, we produce personalised behavioural Reports for both individuals and teams.

These Reports identify which of the nine key clusters of behaviour (or Team Roles) crucial to the success of a team or project individuals prefer, and pinpoint strengths and weaknesses.

The starting point is the Belbin Individual Report which identifies which combination of the nine Team Roles an individual exhibits. To enhance the value of our Individual Reports, other people are invited to share their observations too (we call these Observer Assessments) via a quick five-minute online questionnaire. We believe in the value of Observer Assessments so much that we include them for free with every Individual Report.

Once Individuals have their Reports, the information can be used to generate other Belbin Reports, most of which require no additional input from you or your teams.

Please note – if you have been using, or have been given, a self-scoring version of the Belbin Self-Perception Inventory, you are not using the authorised version of Belbin. Please check here if you are unsure.

Belbin Individual Reports

Completed online, the Reports are easy to set up and generate:

  • SPI – 20min online
  • OA – 5min online
See a Sample Report below

Sample of an Individual Report containing both the Self Perception and the Observer feedback to give the full 360 perspective


How can Belbin help my teams perform better?

A Belbin Team Report will look at each of the individuals making up the team, and the contribution (or role) that they are most likely to play within the team. The Report will quickly identify where there are gaps, and where there are overlaps. Both of these situations could lead to conflicts within the team, and will mean that the team is not performing optimally. Information contained within the Report will help you to quickly identify who is the right person to perform each role or task within the team.

See a Sample Report

Click below to see a sample Belbin Team Report

Generating a Belbin Team Report couldn’t be easier.

In order to generate a Belbin Team Report, each person within that team first needs to complete a Belbin Individual Report. The Individual Report contains pages of personalised guidance that is useful for the individual and for their line manager. Once these have been done for everyone in the team, the Team Report can be generated with no additional input required from you or your teams.

Belbin Working Relationship Reports

This Report analyses the relationship between two individuals to see how they might work together. Each individual will need to generate a Belbin Individual Report so that the Working Relationships Report can be created.

Belbin Job Report

The Belbin Job Report defines a specific job in terms of Belbin Team Roles. This report is created when a line manager completes the Job Requirements Inventory.

Belbin Job Comparison Report

This report takes an existing Belbin Job Report and is then matched to an individual to determine this individual’s suitability for the specified role.


Belbin has recently launched a product called the Belbin GetSet. This product is a useful tool for both students and teachers.

Belbin GetSet prepares teenagers and young adults for the next stage of their education or career, by helping them to learn about themselves and their behaviours. It shows them where their strengths lie and what they have to offer now and in the future, building their confidence and promoting self-understanding. Teachers can use Belbin GetSet to assist in creating greater awareness and understanding of students behavioural preferences.


Learn More

Click below to view reports














Belbin reports can be acquired via either using our bureau service or by buying your own Belbin online Interplace.

Please contact us for orders and pricing.

Get Full Interplace Account

Includes 200 Belbin Individual Reports and unlimited access to Team Reports, Working Relationships Reports and Job Reports. Further discounts available when purchasing more than 200 units.

  • Have access to Interplace, your own Belbin system online where you can control all of your organization’s reports.
  • Your employees complete their questionnaires online.
  • Belbin Reports emailed back within minutes.
  • You decide how many Observer Assessments to be included for a full report.
  • No need to be accredited.
  • Unlimited access to 8 types of other reports (including Team and Working Relationship Reports), plus handouts to help you introduce and explain Belbin.
Contact Us

Get the best from your yourself or your team with Belbin.